Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam Seed Destiny is a continuation from Gundam Seed. The story take place shortly after the war between coordinators and naturals ended. The world is at peace and recovering from the previous war. But the peace is short-lived. An unknown terrorist group stole three newly developed Gundams and launched a couple of attacks on Earth. The world was once again thrown into chaos as the war escalates, flamed by the mistrust between naturals and coordinators… Ah crap, I am beginning to sound like the narrators in the Gundam series. So here are some of my opinions after watching the series:
First of all, Gundam Seed Destiny is a marketing gimmick! Countless number of Gundams and Zakus were introduced in this series, far exceeding the number in any previous Gundam series. Almost every character in the series is issued a mobile suit… even Lacus got her own custom Zaku, painted in pink, complete with hearts and Haro decals (see picture ^). And with every mobile suit shown in the series, comes the Gundam plastic model kit… available at all major departmental stores near you.
Secondly, Gundam Seed Destiny seems to me like a rojak of ideas from many great animes, from planes combining to form a robot, to genetically re-engineered superhuman. And if that isn’t enough, they had to recycle old ideas from previous Gundam series. Oh… and look out for the ‘Jet Stream Attack’. I almost fell off my chair laughing when they came up with this one :)
And then there is this new character Shinn Asuka. An arrogant, self-centered young Gundam pilot who is the lead character for this series. He gets more and more irritating throughout the series and you will just be waiting for the episode he gets killed off by some old guards like Kira or Asuran.
Despite all these that I have just mentioned, Gundam Seed Destiny is an excellent anime!! The action takes off right from the very first episode and last all the way to the end… not a dull moment in the series. All the characters from the first Gundam Seed will return in this series, giving the viewer a sense of familiarity. Trust me… you will be whining about that @#%* Shinn, you will be complaining about all the cheesy ideas used in the series, but you will also be watching 10 episodes a day. I finished all 50 episodes in 1 week. ;)